I still live with my parents, this work hasn't given me enough money to live by myself yet, so I have to go with my family including my annoying immatture father, and my brothers, it's a f#cking chaos, I will take my computer and my 3.5G internet, I don't have enough reception there I have 50K 3.5G internet there, I shit you not,
I will have to finish magnetiZR there, they told me about this trip an hour ago WTF, how am I supossed to organize myself, what am I for this people?
enough about me,
I wish you happy easter :3, I said magnetiZR will be finished today, well it seems it will be tomorrow this trip screwed my schedule a LOT.
EDIT: I wont post nothing till monday LOL, I won't be able to browse the damn 3.5G pendrive is... broken LOL.
got that image from google,