after finishing the engine in a hard 6 month testing, fixing and tweaking I discovered the true potential of Leap a Loop, Making normal levels seemed like a bad idea, Ive been writting stories my entire life and it seemed I could make something good out of it.
I wrote a cute story of Leap a Loop and have chenged it a lot ever since, the story seemed too forced on players and it was supossed to have a fugly anime intro about a grandpa reading it as a story to his grandsons, I'm not lying I even animated half of the intro I'm not as good animating as I remember, anyway I removed the intro from the storyline and removed all the techno music soundtrack I made, I suuuuuuuck making music!!
I contacted Kevin Macleod a music composer who is a lot better than me I hope we can get to something and make the music for the game something everyone can remember, if you don't know who he is, you can check his website I have a lot of respect for the man, making music is hard, I know how to use the software but I can't compose, I just can't It's not like drawing or programing.
leap a loop's story seems down pat now, I just need to fill a huge hole I have after level 4, but I will figure it out I don't want it to feel as a filler,
I expect this to succeed I CAN live with failure, I just hope I don't have to, not after all the hard work.
and for all the new developers out there
Aim for the sky and you'll get to the ceiling,
Aim for space and you'll get to the sky,
Imagine what would happen if you aim for the stars. ;D