God of war 3, Uncharted 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, The last guardian, Infamous, Folklore, Bioshock 2, Sonic Unleashed, BlazBlue, Uncharted, persona 3 and 4, Fat Princess, Mario Galaxy 2, + many other titles I can't remember at the moment. (To sad I can't buy them all)
So for Leap a Loop's progress: I'm thinking in changing it the name to leapD It sounds cool also is a lot easier to find in a search engine, Working in some concept work, looking very good, Levels the tutorials seem to be kind of hard to design I'm hoping to drop some jaws and rise some eyebrows when this game comes out.
As for magnetiZR the bidding increased, I hope it keeps increasing, I was asked to make some tutorial videos, I will finish them ASAP, I just have too much to do , including the trailer for MagnetiZR.
-IA out
Final Word, BeatOven