insane-angel.com is open
Also MagnetiZR comes out September 17th at king.com, with all it's awsomness.
Also... I'm going to the office to fix my ps3 I have a friend with a heat gun I hope my ps3 gets fixed, I could buy a slim but... I just love my fat launch 40gig ps3 nothing can replace it, Ive never felt so attached to a console in my life It's like one of my best friends where on a coma, and I'm going to operate on her.
Well, yeah that's it... one last thing my tablet died, now I don't have other option... a new tablet buy I must, finally a perfect excuse to buy an intuos 4 remember me talking about it
EDIT.- The fix party got delayed, it's cool I didn't have a camera I might take pictures if I found my new camera.