Seriously whoever thinks this, better STFU, I'm serious.
When I was working on it I found the concept original and unique but there's like 8+ of this games already in the internet.
This would be a turn down for anybody who just got their game released, but because I made this game only for the sake of money and experimentation. I became completely careless.
So it seems this magnetic games have turned into a genre, I can't find the "source magnet game of them all" but there's a lot now.
MagnetiZR is an amazing game I suggest everyone to try out and, after seeing most tower defense games, most cube games, most shooting games,most herd games, the list goes on and on... calling magnetizr a rip-off is VERY hypocritical, not to mention immature.
Some people really liked this game and with some I mean MANY(Magnetizr kicking major ass post) this game has a lot of probabilities of getting a sequel... but not right now, I need to finish some other projects.
Ps.- "there's no positive magnets, they're polarized" since when is magnetizr a realistic game? for crying out loud!