Finally my days of torment without a tablet have finally ended
Me enjoying my new beautiful intuos 4

I can't have enought of it the express key and everything
is fantastic I was going to get myself a cintiq but my Scotomaphobia
prevents me from buying one not that I need one I don't,
I'm A-Ok with a tablet separated from a monitor, and the
monitor as far away from as possible.
I'm broke now since I can't f*cking
cash a paypal check in any bank so I can't pay anyone,
can't take someone on a date, can't buy a game nor console,
can't pay my transportation, and It is not that I don't have the money
It's in paypal ALL OF IT I can't touch it, It angers me so much when
I go in the bank and say its a paypal check, they say
with total ignorance say the words "what is paypal? is it a bank?"
(in spanish I live in ecuador) it's so fucking annoying,
who doesn't know paypal(It seems every bank in ecuador), the worst
part is that I can't have a credit card since I'm 20 ergo not older than 23
so yeah... I'm fucked.