Friday, November 20, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
My Intuos4 arrived
Finally my days of torment without a tablet have finally ended
Me enjoying my new beautiful intuos 4

I can't have enought of it the express key and everything
is fantastic I was going to get myself a cintiq but my Scotomaphobia
prevents me from buying one not that I need one I don't,
I'm A-Ok with a tablet separated from a monitor, and the
monitor as far away from as possible.
I'm broke now since I can't f*cking
cash a paypal check in any bank so I can't pay anyone,
can't take someone on a date, can't buy a game nor console,
can't pay my transportation, and It is not that I don't have the money
It's in paypal ALL OF IT I can't touch it, It angers me so much when
I go in the bank and say its a paypal check, they say
with total ignorance say the words "what is paypal? is it a bank?"
(in spanish I live in ecuador) it's so fucking annoying,
who doesn't know paypal(It seems every bank in ecuador), the worst
part is that I can't have a credit card since I'm 20 ergo not older than 23
so yeah... I'm fucked.
Monday, September 21, 2009
MAGNETIZR a f*cking rip-off !!??

Seriously whoever thinks this, better STFU, I'm serious.
When I was working on it I found the concept original and unique but there's like 8+ of this games already in the internet.
This would be a turn down for anybody who just got their game released, but because I made this game only for the sake of money and experimentation. I became completely careless.
So it seems this magnetic games have turned into a genre, I can't find the "source magnet game of them all" but there's a lot now.
MagnetiZR is an amazing game I suggest everyone to try out and, after seeing most tower defense games, most cube games, most shooting games,most herd games, the list goes on and on... calling magnetizr a rip-off is VERY hypocritical, not to mention immature.
Some people really liked this game and with some I mean MANY(Magnetizr kicking major ass post) this game has a lot of probabilities of getting a sequel... but not right now, I need to finish some other projects.
Ps.- "there's no positive magnets, they're polarized" since when is magnetizr a realistic game? for crying out loud!

some cool quotes Id like to mention are
...MagnetiZR's too-cool-for-school aesthetic is there to mellow you out. The music throbs hypnotically, colours flow and shift...
...MagnetiZR is a challenging and surprisingly elaborate offering...
Casual gameplay Jayisgames logo belongs to it's respective owners
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
12:56 AM
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|jay is games|magnetizr|news|review|

browser game development,
jay is games,
Sunday, September 20, 2009
MAGNETIZR kicking major ass

Frontpages in newgrounds and kongregate!
A picture is worth a thousand words and I have various
Frontpage in kong

Frontpage in Newgrounds

4.00/5.00 in NG before it got to the frontpage

Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
1:52 AM
MAGNETIZR kicking major ass
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
avatars|magnetizr|news|screenshots|stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Thursday, September 17, 2009
MAGNETIZR released
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The website is here

Also MagnetiZR comes out September 17th at, with all it's awsomness.
Also... I'm going to the office to fix my ps3 I have a friend with a heat gun I hope my ps3 gets fixed, I could buy a slim but... I just love my fat launch 40gig ps3 nothing can replace it, Ive never felt so attached to a console in my life It's like one of my best friends where on a coma, and I'm going to operate on her.
Well, yeah that's it... one last thing my tablet died, now I don't have other option... a new tablet buy I must, finally a perfect excuse to buy an intuos 4 remember me talking about it
EDIT.- The fix party got delayed, it's cool I didn't have a camera I might take pictures if I found my new camera.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Journal- worst day
I tell you what yesterday was the worst day Ive had this year, My 1 year old iguana gets really sick, my ps3 got the YLOD, and a car hit me...hard... lucky me I have no fractures, god am I cursed? or what the fuck was that I didn't had anything for dinner but that's minor compared to the other stuff. I'm not posting an image I'm not in the mood good bye.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
2:34 PM
Journal- worst day
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Journal- Fancy little leapers

slower frame rate=harder collisions, at least I made the camera is glitchless phew.
As for magnetiZR I will be all night finishing the trailer wish me good luck.
Leap a Loop is getting sweeter and sweeter as I progress fitting all the piece of the puzzle I have a lot of random(COOL) ideas that I haven’t placed in the game, get ready for an awesome and varied experience, I hope I can finish it for Friday... I hope... hope.
-ia (out)
Final word yoshi rocks
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
8:00 AM
Journal- Fancy little leapers
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
leap a loop|leapD|magnetizr|stupid stuff|

leap a loop,
stupid stuff
Monday, August 17, 2009
Journal- GAME (L)OVER
God of war 3, Uncharted 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, The last guardian, Infamous, Folklore, Bioshock 2, Sonic Unleashed, BlazBlue, Uncharted, persona 3 and 4, Fat Princess, Mario Galaxy 2, + many other titles I can't remember at the moment. (To sad I can't buy them all)
So for Leap a Loop's progress: I'm thinking in changing it the name to leapD It sounds cool also is a lot easier to find in a search engine, Working in some concept work, looking very good, Levels the tutorials seem to be kind of hard to design I'm hoping to drop some jaws and rise some eyebrows when this game comes out.
As for magnetiZR the bidding increased, I hope it keeps increasing, I was asked to make some tutorial videos, I will finish them ASAP, I just have too much to do , including the trailer for MagnetiZR.
-IA out
Final Word, BeatOven
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
2:48 AM
Journal- GAME (L)OVER
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
leap a loop|magnetizr|stupid stuff|

leap a loop,
stupid stuff
Sunday, August 16, 2009
MagnetiZR- Screens 3
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
5:41 PM
MagnetiZR- Screens 3
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber

Friday, August 14, 2009
Journal- MagnetiZR in A(u)CTION

I'll stop talking about magnetiZR I'm sick of it.
Of course it's in FGL, it's in auction whoever sponsors games is able to see it, and purchase it.
This is some of the highest quality, you'll see in the web... Unlucky for me the highest bid is 1200... WTF I was going to finish the bidding but the bids are so low I can't, it's not enough money for a game like magnetiZR.
I want to squeze at least 2500 out of the Primary sponsorship not 1200.
In other news, I'm working in the level design of leap a loop... again, but this time I have more knowledge of the engine and more knowledge in level design, magnetiZR did something productive after all (those are the hardest levels Ive designed so far).
FGL link of MagnetiZR
-IA out
Final word, ps3 Slim
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
8:55 PM
Journal- MagnetiZR in A(u)CTION
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
leap a loop|leapD|magnetizr|stupid stuff|

leap a loop,
stupid stuff
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I noticed just noticed how much it has improved since I started with the concept
It looks freaking awesome and it's loads of fun.
I noticed just noticed how much it has improved since I started with the concept
It looks freaking awesome and it's loads of fun.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Finishing ps2 clasics

I finished this games during and before the quarintine:
God Of War I & II (AWESOME)
"Shadow of the colossus" (AWESOME!!!!)
And I'm finishing "ico" which is probably the most uninformative "puzzle" game EVAH, Ive spended hours running in circles only to discover those pots where actually bombs, how in the fucking world was I supossed to know that!!!, and then I needed to discover how in the world I was supossed to ignite those thing, I needed to press circle in front of the candle FUUUUUCK, also the game has no checkpoints if you don't sleep in a shinny couch you're lost.
In my actual progress I finally got the sword and I got to a waterfall where I'm a little stuck.
what I did notice is that the game is very satisfying when accomplish a puzzle.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
6:28 PM
Finishing ps2 clasics
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Saturday, June 20, 2009
New game announced (Enden)

Get used to her she is going to be on my next small puzzle game (Enden)
You'll be surprised it's gonna be a sweet and artistic little game not going to get deep with details, but it's going to be extremely fun.
I'm working with "Accroach Code", a small website development studio, we are going to make this game together, I hope I can make more games with this guys they're very talented IMO, let's se if it works
PS.- I will be posting in a daily basis again just wait I'm a little busy.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
4:07 PM
New game announced (Enden)
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|enden|

browser game development,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 LIVE
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
8:43 PM LIVE
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|

browser game development
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
magnetiZR improvements
Some changes that: friends, JIG, and internet people have suggested
-The game now features a more artistic point of view of each level different particle effects and tracing methods help with the variety
-Something people complained is that the music of magnetiZR was too repetitive, well the game originally had 4 tracks, now it has 8 and all those tracks are specially selected for each of the 27 levels.

Something people really hated about ,magnetiZR was the fact you could loose by just 3 pixels.
here's 3 solutions.
1- TRACING.- be able to know you're previous mistakes.

2- MORE HUD.- The game will feature more details about where you place you're magnet while dragging.

3.- MORE FORGIVINESS.- The game is now more forgiving with obstacles and with the goal's winning area.
-The game is 85% complete.
-All levels except for the 5 challenge levels have been designed.
PS- I also rewrote MSG BOX's script, his name is SO(Sound Only) now
-The game now features a more artistic point of view of each level different particle effects and tracing methods help with the variety
-Something people complained is that the music of magnetiZR was too repetitive, well the game originally had 4 tracks, now it has 8 and all those tracks are specially selected for each of the 27 levels.

Something people really hated about ,magnetiZR was the fact you could loose by just 3 pixels.
here's 3 solutions.
1- TRACING.- be able to know you're previous mistakes.

2- MORE HUD.- The game will feature more details about where you place you're magnet while dragging.

3.- MORE FORGIVINESS.- The game is now more forgiving with obstacles and with the goal's winning area.
-The game is 85% complete.
-All levels except for the 5 challenge levels have been designed.
PS- I also rewrote MSG BOX's script, his name is SO(Sound Only) now
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
8:25 PM
magnetiZR improvements
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|magnetizr|screenshots|

browser game development,
Monday, June 1, 2009
LEAP A LOOP:prototype engine
I am giving you a glance of what leap a loop is going to be,
I present to you the prototype engine
Ive been hidding it from the world but not anymore!

I present to you the prototype engine
Ive been hidding it from the world but not anymore!

Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
7:50 PM
LEAP A LOOP:prototype engine
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|flash|leap a loop|leapD|

browser game development,
leap a loop,
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I just designed the best level in magnetiZR "end"
just need the 5 challenge levels finished and I will auction it.
:D I'm so slow...
just need the 5 challenge levels finished and I will auction it.
:D I'm so slow...
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
journal 301 VIEWS!!

<<------------ I'm procrastinating my work so much lately, I need to fucking focus, CHEER ME UP.
Darn I didn't post yesterday, not sorry, is my blog.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
3:49 PM
journal 301 VIEWS!!
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
art|stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
TRICO new game by team ico
A last thing, team ICO finally announced they're new game " trICO "
I'm so excited because of that oversized chihuahua
I don't know what the hell is this game about
But it's a blind purchase for me, no reviews or trailers.
just wait... well maybe a screen or two.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
3:12 PM
TRICO new game by team ico
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
news|stupid stuff|video|

stupid stuff,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
games I want!!!
this is my blog and I can post in my blog wathever I want,
This are the games I want to play (in order of wantingness)
Playstation 2clasics MASTERPIECES
-Shadow of the colossus
-God of war 1,2
trey games
-Folklore (buy)
-Resident evil 5
-Motorstorm 2 (buy)
-Street Fighter 4
-Sonic Unleashed(buy)
Games I want to play not released yet (in order of wantingness)
-BIOSHOCK 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Final Fantasy x i i i
I'm still questioning when will I have the free time to play any of this games..
any other game you think I should want, put it in the comment section
This are the games I want to play (in order of wantingness)
Playstation 2
-Shadow of the colossus
-God of war 1,2
trey games
-Folklore (buy)
-Resident evil 5
-Motorstorm 2 (buy)
-Street Fighter 4
-Sonic Unleashed(buy)
Games I want to play not released yet (in order of wantingness)
-BIOSHOCK 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Final Fantasy x i i i
I'm still questioning when will I have the free time to play any of this games..
any other game you think I should want, put it in the comment section
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
6:05 AM
games I want!!!
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I have to post something so I gave you a bunch of retarded shit to see.
long cat's song :,)
long cat's song :,)
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
10:35 PM
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|video|

stupid stuff,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
magnetiZR is getting me crazy
I'm designing levels for leap a loop, and magnetiZR.
guess which one is more demanding... if you chose leap a loop you're wrong bitch.
with leap a loop I can make my creativity fly in an awesome world, in magnetiZR I have to challenge the mind of my users. so I'm getting fucked up crazy, I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE SHITTY LEVELS, FUCK!
that's what I wanted to say, have a nice night, have fun play: killzone, halo wathever you want, I DON'T CARE.
just don't kill yourself or swallow a battery.
guess which one is more demanding... if you chose leap a loop you're wrong bitch.
with leap a loop I can make my creativity fly in an awesome world, in magnetiZR I have to challenge the mind of my users. so I'm getting fucked up crazy, I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE SHITTY LEVELS, FUCK!
that's what I wanted to say, have a nice night, have fun play: killzone, halo wathever you want, I DON'T CARE.
just don't kill yourself or swallow a battery.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Leap a Loop news

after finishing the engine in a hard 6 month testing, fixing and tweaking I discovered the true potential of Leap a Loop, Making normal levels seemed like a bad idea, Ive been writting stories my entire life and it seemed I could make something good out of it.
I wrote a cute story of Leap a Loop and have chenged it a lot ever since, the story seemed too forced on players and it was supossed to have a fugly anime intro about a grandpa reading it as a story to his grandsons, I'm not lying I even animated half of the intro I'm not as good animating as I remember, anyway I removed the intro from the storyline and removed all the techno music soundtrack I made, I suuuuuuuck making music!!
I contacted Kevin Macleod a music composer who is a lot better than me I hope we can get to something and make the music for the game something everyone can remember, if you don't know who he is, you can check his website I have a lot of respect for the man, making music is hard, I know how to use the software but I can't compose, I just can't It's not like drawing or programing.
leap a loop's story seems down pat now, I just need to fill a huge hole I have after level 4, but I will figure it out I don't want it to feel as a filler,
I expect this to succeed I CAN live with failure, I just hope I don't have to, not after all the hard work.
and for all the new developers out there
Aim for the sky and you'll get to the ceiling,
Aim for space and you'll get to the sky,
Imagine what would happen if you aim for the stars. ;D
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
10:28 PM
Leap a Loop news
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
leap a loop|leapD|news|

leap a loop,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
MagnetiZR poll
Do you like magnetizr's msg box with his current script
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
1:16 AM
MagnetiZR poll
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|

browser game development
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
tomorrow a DEMO of magnetiZR
yes that's right I will let you play magnetiZR a 7 level demo.
I hope you guys like it, I give a lot of polish to my games.
I hope you guys like it, I give a lot of polish to my games.
Monday, May 4, 2009
magnetiZR gameplay video
ps I added &ap=%2526fmt%3D18 to embed in high quality
ps I added &ap=%2526fmt%3D18 to embed in high quality
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
6:39 PM
magnetiZR gameplay video
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|magnetizr|video|

browser game development,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Project after "Leap a Loop"

SWALLOWED is the project I have schedulled to work after Leap a Loop.
If you think this looks amazing the game's storyline and art are going to be superb,
and if you think that's enough, the game will have a wicked gravity system, you'll have to see to believe, I'm also working in a secret game with an aritist in deviantart nothing official so I won't say a thing.
magnetiZR is ready to upload to FGL I'm just in my personal QA trying to create any possible and impossible bug.
image from designs

Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
2:42 PM
Project after "Leap a Loop"
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
art|browser game development|swallowed|

browser game development,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
uʍop ǝpısdn ƃuıʇʇıɹʍ ɯɐ ı
I decided to post every day except weekends, all posts on weekends are going to probably be stupid.
I found the best website EVER
no! it's not google, is
It flips your text upside down
for mails
˙ssɐqɯnp ǝloɥsɐ ʇıɥs ʞɔnɟ
ƃuıɹɐǝʍs ɯ,ı ʞool o `ʇıɥs sıɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıʇuǝɯɯoɔ ƃuıƃɐɯı unɟ sı sıɥʇ `ʎɐʎ
uʍop ǝpısdn ʇxǝʇ ɹnoʎ sdılɟ ʇı
for msn
˙ssɐqɯnp әႨoႡsɐ ʇ!Ⴁs ʞɔnɟ
ƃu!ɹɐәʍs ɯ,! ʞooႨ o 'ʇ!Ⴁs s!Ⴁʇ Ⴁʇ!ʍ ƃu!ʇuәɯɯoɔ ƃu!ƃɐɯ! unɟ s! s!Ⴁʇ 'ʎɐʎ
uʍop әp!sdn ʇxәʇ ɹnoʎ sd!Ⴈɟ ʇ!
my site's font is verdana so it looks a little weird
I found the best website EVER
no! it's not google, is
It flips your text upside down
for mails
˙ssɐqɯnp ǝloɥsɐ ʇıɥs ʞɔnɟ
ƃuıɹɐǝʍs ɯ,ı ʞool o `ʇıɥs sıɥʇ ɥʇıʍ ƃuıʇuǝɯɯoɔ ƃuıƃɐɯı unɟ sı sıɥʇ `ʎɐʎ
uʍop ǝpısdn ʇxǝʇ ɹnoʎ sdılɟ ʇı
for msn
˙ssɐqɯnp әႨoႡsɐ ʇ!Ⴁs ʞɔnɟ
ƃu!ɹɐәʍs ɯ,! ʞooႨ o 'ʇ!Ⴁs s!Ⴁʇ Ⴁʇ!ʍ ƃu!ʇuәɯɯoɔ ƃu!ƃɐɯ! unɟ s! s!Ⴁʇ 'ʎɐʎ
uʍop әp!sdn ʇxәʇ ɹnoʎ sd!Ⴈɟ ʇ!
my site's font is verdana so it looks a little weird
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
11:13 PM
uʍop ǝpısdn ƃuıʇʇıɹʍ ɯɐ ı
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Friday, April 24, 2009
"OnLive" motherf%ck/r$
I always told my friends, consoles would disappear everything will be done through streamed services
You know what... I was right.
"OMG BUT NO IT's going to lag" NOT
Well this is my theory.
Imagine a computer 1000 times faster than your gaming computer, your computer may take 33.33 miliSeconds rendering a frame (30FPS).
This server takes your controller's data, to the server,and returns the graphics to your computer in probably the same amount of time that it will take rendering the graphics because the server renders the graphics fast enough to make up for the lost time.
If the server renders everything we will get:
better graphics, better physics, better co-op.
Imagine a multiplayer in this thing, all physics done directly IN THE SERVER.
Wouldn't it be awesome that they end up making a premium account service that allowed you to play any game any time?
One last thing, you won't need to update your computers graphic card everytime a game comes out, but you will need a 1MB/s internet connection to display this in HD,
too bad I live in Ecuador the fastest I can get is a 1MB connection for 70 dollars.
for those who don't know what onlive is.
It's also coming to mac, mac will have all the games that onLive will offer, games like bioshock.
PS. I know not posting till monday, I had to post about onlive, it's just plain awesome, I might upload most of my designs of "leap a loop" as soon as magnetiZR ends.
-ia HAPPY :D
You know what... I was right.
"OMG BUT NO IT's going to lag" NOT
Well this is my theory.
Imagine a computer 1000 times faster than your gaming computer, your computer may take 33.33 miliSeconds rendering a frame (30FPS).
This server takes your controller's data, to the server,and returns the graphics to your computer in probably the same amount of time that it will take rendering the graphics because the server renders the graphics fast enough to make up for the lost time.
If the server renders everything we will get:
better graphics, better physics, better co-op.
Imagine a multiplayer in this thing, all physics done directly IN THE SERVER.
Wouldn't it be awesome that they end up making a premium account service that allowed you to play any game any time?
One last thing, you won't need to update your computers graphic card everytime a game comes out, but you will need a 1MB/s internet connection to display this in HD,
too bad I live in Ecuador the fastest I can get is a 1MB connection for 70 dollars.
for those who don't know what onlive is.
It's also coming to mac, mac will have all the games that onLive will offer, games like bioshock.
PS. I know not posting till monday, I had to post about onlive, it's just plain awesome, I might upload most of my designs of "leap a loop" as soon as magnetiZR ends.
-ia HAPPY :D
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
10:16 AM
"OnLive" motherf%ck/r$
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
not posting till monday
I have 3 things to worry about, magnetiZR, eating , the university.
I'm posting this quick have a good weekend.
I'm posting this quick have a good weekend.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
11:06 AM
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|magnetizr|screenshots|

browser game development,
Thursday, April 16, 2009
MagnetiZR news

Now imagine all that with some horrible/hideous level design, it would suck, no kidding. Good level design is not only nice, is essential. I'm hopping to have it all done by friday, and start the auction for sponsorship this monday at FGL(
ps. Don't worry you'll be able to play the entire game for free.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Free "gay" Realms
I can't believe I'm still working on magnetiZR,
this post has nothing to do with magnetiZR, you don't have to read it.
I have nothing to do with this game.
I found some info about this new game that's going to be free for Pc and ps3,
I heard about it in ( , I saw a couple of trailers,
I figured out that the target group must be 8-12 year olds.
Why the hell it has to look so FKN GAY??!!!
I havent played the game, I might change my mind and end up playing this game with friends.
I don't have time to play the beta, I am a busy man.
The trailer WHO IN THE FUCKING WORLD designed this!!! , my little sister??.
Trailer in a nutshell,
blue friky thing trips *yikes*, and the damn thing goes on talking like Billy Mays during one of his infomercials, it all has this fairy fugly style, I really hope the game is better.
this is what happens when sony makes a game, remember home, REMEMBER FKN HOME!
-ia ranting
this post has nothing to do with magnetiZR, you don't have to read it.
I have nothing to do with this game.
I found some info about this new game that's going to be free for Pc and ps3,
I heard about it in ( , I saw a couple of trailers,
I figured out that the target group must be 8-12 year olds.
I havent played the game, I might change my mind and end up playing this game with friends.
I don't have time to play the beta, I am a busy man.
The trailer WHO IN THE FUCKING WORLD designed this!!! , my little sister??.
Trailer in a nutshell,
blue friky thing trips *yikes*, and the damn thing goes on talking like Billy Mays during one of his infomercials, it all has this fairy fugly style, I really hope the game is better.
this is what happens when sony makes a game, remember home, REMEMBER FKN HOME!
-ia ranting
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
8:37 PM
Free "gay" Realms
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
MagnetiZR ready
it's ready, ready to make some sort of demo for someone to check it out.
I don't think there's a living being reading what I write, if there is a person and It wants to see a demo, please comment,
It would be stupid making a demo for a ghost.
I don't think there's a living being reading what I write, if there is a person and It wants to see a demo, please comment,
It would be stupid making a demo for a ghost.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
7:41 PM
MagnetiZR ready
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|magnetizr|

browser game development,
/ \
I obey bob, YOU should obey bob as Well.
Post him in every youtube video you can, HE WILL RULE!!!
/ \
I obey bob, YOU should obey bob as Well.
Post him in every youtube video you can, HE WILL RULE!!!
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
5:14 PM
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Hi everyone, just came back I had some problems day2 we had no electric power for 2 days, I drew this and the easter bunny before and after the incident. I will try to finish magnetiZR, the faster the better.
good night
ps. I am thinking in painting this drawing , when I have the time.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
10:23 PM
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
art|stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Easter bunnies are the only bunnies that can hatch eggs.
Now, they are disappearing for unknown reasons.
I drew this very fkn fast don't complain, HAPPY EASTER ^3^
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
9:10 PM
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
art|stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Going with family for easter... >:(
I still live with my parents, this work hasn't given me enough money to live by myself yet, so I have to go with my family including my annoying immatture father, and my brothers, it's a f#cking chaos, I will take my computer and my 3.5G internet, I don't have enough reception there I have 50K 3.5G internet there, I shit you not,
I will have to finish magnetiZR there, they told me about this trip an hour ago WTF, how am I supossed to organize myself, what am I for this people?
enough about me,
I wish you happy easter :3, I said magnetiZR will be finished today, well it seems it will be tomorrow this trip screwed my schedule a LOT.
EDIT: I wont post nothing till monday LOL, I won't be able to browse the damn 3.5G pendrive is... broken LOL.
got that image from google,
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
1:43 PM
Going with family for easter... >:(
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
MagnetiZR Screenshot

No photoshop!!, actual gameplay from the engine, and it's only the alpha version.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
4:55 AM
MagnetiZR Screenshot
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
browser game development|magnetizr|screenshots|

browser game development,
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Some boss design +magnetiZR progress

I discovered WHAT I did wrong,
magnetiZR uses till 200 particles per gun each particle with a speed, angle, and various magnetic algorithms, instead of ONE simple particle with the rest of the particles following it, that's SO SIMPLE is insulting, I'm afraid I have to fix this issue I will take all night if have to, so stupid.
intuos 4, I want it!

Wacom has released the new intuos 4 with:
2048 pressure points, the touch ring, the displays.
Call me a little kid, what I'm about to say may sound
childish. *Ahem*
I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it
I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I WANT IT !
*takes deep breath*
It is the perfect replacement for this CRAPY genius tablet I'm using right now, not only it will make my life and work easier, it looks freaking cool you have to admit it, I have to win enough money to buy one.
Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
3:02 AM
intuos 4, I want it!
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
stupid stuff|

stupid stuff
Monday, April 6, 2009
MagnetiZR's avatars
the avatar's MagnetiZR will have

#1(small 50-25px)

#2,#3(medium 100-50px)
(normal websites)// (dark websites)
#4(Huge 200-100px)

(normal websites)// (dark websites)

Publicado por
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
4:04 PM
MagnetiZR's avatars
Fernando"Holweb" Holguín Weber
avatars|browser game development|magnetizr|

browser game development,
Sunday, April 5, 2009
journal 4

(PRO mode=ON)
This game will be finished by Thursday
of course it will still need a QA and a Beta.
Once I have this game finished I'll

(PRO mode=OFF)
PAINT STILL ROCKS!!!, in heaven, this program f%king sucks

PS.- blog looks even better
I will post something everyday except weekends this post counts as Monday's
post, I have to work my A$$ of and finish magnetiZR. See yah.
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- "OnLive" motherf%ck/r$
- not posting till monday
- MagnetiZR news
- Free "gay" Realms
- MagnetiZR ready
- BOB!!!
- Going with family for easter... >:(
- MagnetiZR Screenshot
- Some boss design +magnetiZR progress
- intuos 4, I want it!
- MagnetiZR's avatars
- journal 4